Lamination machines
The Easy-Plast, Multi-Plast and HP-machine are specially designed to simplify the process of laminating books. See what machine best suits your wishes.
Looking for foil for the lamination machine? We advise you to use the foil from E-Lam. This foil is sustainable, wear-resistant and extends the life of books.

The Easy-Plast is a lamination machine that was specially designed to laminate bound books and paperbacks that are processed in small quantities.

The TIM folds the foil applied by the Easy-Plast around the covers or bindings of hardcover books. The foil is pressed so that the books are protected on all sides.

The Multi-Plast is a fully automated lamination machine that was specially designed to laminate bound books that are processed in large quantities.

The HP-machine (HardPlastic machine) is a lamination machine that was specially designed to laminate small and medium quantities of softcover books.
Can we help you?
Do you have a question? Our staff are happy to help. They will offer advice when needed and help you find the right machine for you.